Thursday, 5 August 2010

What happened to intelligent debate?

I'm a conspiracy theorist. Yeah that's right, I'm a nutjob, a moonbat and I'm intellectually challenged. Oh and I suffer from a mental disorder. At least that is what I've been called of late by others who are of the opinion that their particular thoughts and beliefs must be shared by all. It seems that fewer and fewer people want to debate and discuss and even argue a contentious topic, they just move directly to the ad hominems.

Example: I do not accept the official government line surrounding the events of September 11. 2001. There are a plethora of unanswered questions along with "official" explanations that simply do not add up.

I run a discussion board which centres on current events and topical issues. Recently a topic was started by a member of this site that eventually merged into a discussion about 9/11. Suddenly other members of the board who already entertain conservative viewpoints on most subjects, begin posting with insults and threats of actually leaving the site altogether if this topic is not ended immediately.

They spout the official line verbatim and will not tolerate any dissenting or alternative viewpoints. Some even go so far as to compare people like me to holocaust deniers.

I have to wonder if this attitude of censorship by threat and intimidation is limited to a small number of people or is this attitude reflective of a larger segment of society - those who are falling hook, line and sinker for the widespread suppression of our freedoms and rights as it pertains to expression and thought.

Or maybe I'm just hanging out with the wrong people. After all, they do worship at the alter of Stephen Harper.

'Nuff said.