Tuesday, 26 June 2007

The Brainwashing of America is Almost Complete. Now What?

Ever wondered why there hasn't been a terrorist attack on U.S. soil since September 11, 2001? It's certainly not the result of finely-tuned Homeland Security efforts. They couldn't even contain one TB patient.

Is the average American citizen fearful of being attacked by terrorists using dirty bombs or biological agents or even both?

How many times has U.S. President George W. Bush warned his fellow citizens of an impending "second 9-11"? How many times does one have to be told something before they begin to believe it?

What about "al Qaeda"? How does the average American citizen visualize them? Have they, in one's mind's eye morphed into a 10-foot tall hulking fire-breathing entity who live and breath nothing beyond their inborn compulsion to kill Americans?

And why doesn't the American administration talk about Osama bin Laden anymore? He's still a wanted man, according to official doctrines. He's still the "mastermind" behind 9-11, according to those same doctrines. He was the reason the U.S. went into Afghanistan immediately after 9-11 on their search & destroy mission to find him. So why is he no longer important? Could he be dead? Could the U.S. admin know that?

As you try to answer the above questions, imagine a scenario whereby 350 million people have been continuously manipulated, conditioned, led by the nose, lied to and terrorized by their own government. How would it feel to suddenly realize that everything you have come to believe and fear in the last five years wasn't real? Wag The Dog, indeed...

Ready for some reality? Click this. http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=viewArticle&code=CHO20070624&articleId=6134

1 comment:

mckait said...

I couldn't have said it any better.... it just makes me ill....