While perusing the Driver's Ten Commandments, it became glaringly clear that if one were to delete a couple of important keywords and replace them with words like "peace", "war" and a few other more appropriate phrases, a new and more powerful document would emerge, one that just might address something of global importance.
The Vatican's version of the Drivers' Ten Commandments follow with the suggested replacement words in brackets supplied by yours truly. Number 1 on the list needs no improvement but it does bear repeating.
The "Drivers' (Peace Seeker's) Ten Commandments," as listed in the document, are:
1. You shall not kill. (I repeat, You shall not kill.)
2. The road (events of September 11, 2001) shall be for you a means of communion between people and not of mortal harm.
3. Courtesy, uprightness and prudence will help you deal with unforeseen events.
4. Be charitable and help your neighbour in need, especially victims of accidents (wars & atrocities).

6. Charitably convince the young and not so young not to drive (kill people) when they are not in a fitting condition to do so (ever).
7. Support the families of accident (war & atrocity) victims.
8. Bring guilty motorists (warmongers) and their victims together, at the appropriate time, so that they can undergo the liberating experience of forgiveness (impeachment).
9. On the road (battlefield), protect the more vulnerable party (lay down your arms).
10. Feel responsible toward others. (Amen)
Now, if any of the rampant rabid neo-conservative ultra right-wing warmongers happen to read the above, say a couple of "hail Marys" and move along quietly. Whatever you might say to me I've heard way too many times before.
And I would be remiss if I didn't include a note to the Anglicans out there who are debating as I type whether or not Anglican Priests should bless gay marriage. As it stands right now, the Anglican church denounces same-sex marriage as an abomination or crimes against humanity or something equally silly.
People who are gay are people. The gay part should not be part of the equation when it comes to religious rites and ceremonies so take that big step into the 21st century from the 15th century rut you've been stuck in and recognize marriage for all. Period. It's really that simple.
i love this!
Can we send it out to the masses?
And I agree whole heartedly about gay marriage...the important part of the marriage equation is LOVE.
Not only do we as a democracy ignore that.. not only do the churches ignore that... but individuals ignore that..
a good and well loved friend of mine was brushed aside when her life partner was near death... not allowed to visit, nor make any decisions.. a single humane gesture would have made a difference , yet no single human was willing to make it..
*Mitakuye Oyasin or We are All Related*
Thanks K.
Not sure about sending it out to the masses...I might get crucified...;)
Hmmm on second thought....I love a good sanctimonious crucifixion!
LOL... I have read some responses to your HL articles.. its not for lack of trying, eh? If looks could kill... if words could crucify.
oh well ...
you can take 'em..I have seen you in action!
has the pope lost his mind? what is up with his version anyway? ?
Maybe he has nothing better to do...? ;)
that must be it ... and it is so much better than creating havoc as did his speech saying "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman," and causing all hell to break loose ....
better he should do thisng like this..
maybe next will be 10 commandments for choosing a breakfast cereal?
or 10 commandment for finding the perfect jeans
or 10 commandments of mixology
it will keep him busy while the other catholic leaders figure out who they want to "really" be pope...and possibly off him like they did John Paul I
( oops, did I say that out loud?)
*looks around *
The Ten Commandments for Tolerance
Rule #1 - Thou shalt accept people of all faiths, races and sexual orientations.
He would never write that one.. its up to you....
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