Earlier today I reluctantly finished reading a book that has managed to re-kindle my curiosity and fascination with a topic that if brought up in polite conversation will undoubtedly and irrevocably set you apart from the crowd as an oddball.
The book - The Grays written convincingly by Whitley Strieber, an author whose works I haven't read for more than a decade. Strieber is a renowned expert on the subject of alien abductions and believes that extraterrestrials or as he refers to them, "the visitors" have been visiting earth for centuries. Himself an abductee, Strieber describes his experience in the best-seller, Communion published in 1985.
Strieber describes The Grays as "fact-based fiction" and is a culmination of Strieber's extensive research findings as well as his own past experiences. For the non-believer the novel will no doubt entertain, perhaps even spark a bit of self-doubt that maybe they should re-evaluate their positions on the existence of ETs. For those of us who at one time belonged to the group of believers, The Grays will re-kindle the once burning questions-with-no-answers that helped make life just a tad more interesting but eventually gave up after buying into the whole mantra that anyone who believed in extraterrestrials were simply nut cases.
I belonged to that category. I wanted to believe that extraterrestrials were among us but life sort of got in the way and I grew away from the notion. The constant government denials of any extraordinary event occurring in New Mexico in 1947 had succeeded over the years in convincing me that aliens were simply a figment of our overactive imaginations.
But how could I turn my back on my own experience with an extraordinary event? I actually encountered something that can only be described as an unidentified flying object - a UFO - when I was no older than seven or eight. How could I possibly convince myself that the encounter didn't really happen? The government propaganda machine has always been very well oiled and maintained....
Thank god for people like Whitley Streiber and Stanton T. Friedman, another notable Ufologist. They never wavered in their beliefs and they never allowed the government to wear them down. They know the truths and they will never give up. They have me back.
I grew up in a tiny village that bordered Canadian Forces Base Gagetown in New Brunswick Canada. Our family would partake of a few annual community events organized by civilians in the town of Gagetown and one of those happened to be a Gagetown Fair which took place in the late summer of either 1959 or 1960. I have no distinct memories of the Fair but I remember quite vividly the drive home.
There were four of us in the car heading back to Welsford on the lonely two-lane highway bordered on both sides with forest. The sun had dipped below the tree line - it was dusk. My parents were in the front seat - my father behind the wheel. I and my younger brother were in the backseat and I, seated behind my mother on the passenger side of the car was looking out the side window at nothing in particular. My brother suddenly indicated to our parents that he had to "go" so Dad slowed the car and pulled over to the side of the highway. He put the car in park and turned off the ignition.
As was the norm in those days when one of the kids needed to "go" when in a car out in the middle of nowhere, my mother got out of the car, left her door open and opened the back door on her side, leaving that open as well. My brother scrambled out of the car, relieved himself within the "privacy" of the two open doors. But while he was in the process of zipping up, I saw something in the sky just over the tree line beyond where our car was temporarily parked. I watched it for a moment...it seemed to be moving slowly but I heard no sound.
I told my mother and pointed. She took one look and scurried us back in the car immediately. I can remember sensing that she was suddenly afraid. My father by now was aware of this strange object and after making sure we were all in the car and the doors were closed - and locked for the first time that evening, he hurriedly pulled the car back on the road and sped away. But not away from the flying object.
As we drove along that dark highway the object appeared to be shadowing us. It never came any closer to the car but kept up at the same speed as the car. It remained just over the treetops to our right. The object was long and shaped like a big cigar. I remember pretty lights that went along the length of the object. It never ever made a sound or noise like one would expect from a flying craft.
It shadowed us almost the entire way back to Welsford. Then suddenly as we were coming up on the turn into the village, it was gone. I didn't see it speed away...it was just gone. Our family never discussed the event until years later, I don't know why.
Later when we did start talking about it, my mother told me that she felt fear because she sensed fear in my father. My father was not a man who would scare easily so for her to sense fear from him was alarming. During the event I remember no feelings of fear. I was very young and felt more....in awe I guess is the right feeling. My brother was too young to remember the event at all. My father refused to ever talk about it and eventually took his emotions from that night to the grave.
And that was the end of that. It was the first and last time I witnessed an extraordinary event like that. As I grew older into my teens I realized the magnitude of what we had seen - a UFO. I felt rather special that I was the only girl in my circle of friends who had ever seen one.
Of course one could say that living so close to CFB Gagetown, there might be all sorts of experimental vehicles out and about. True but for one important point - this was the late 1950s/early 1960s....they may have been testing new airplanes but they certainly did not have the knowledge to actually fly one of these things for miles without making a sound. It had no wings, no props, no chem trails. Just pretty lights on a very large cigar. Which followed our car for miles. And then....went poof.
So I'm back. Call me crazy...that's fine. Call me a conspiracy theorist if you must but I prefer conspiracy factualist. The object I and my family saw that night is a fact...the conspiracy was and continues to be perpetuated by those who don't want us to believe our own eyes....by those who will do whatever it takes to continue to deny that we are not alone....
ET came to us eons ago and have stuck around.
It's now up to us to find out why....
I absolutely believe in ET's...
always have. I have seen a thing or two as well. including a similar object to the one that you described that my son and I watched as I drove him home from work one night. We stood and watched it as it came to a stop over the tree line, down a bit farther than our house. I just sat there for the longest time, then in an instant.......it zipped back to where it had come from . like FLASH! and it was gone.
My sister saw a well documented UFO in the mid sixties... as she sat outside of a funeral home with her friend waiting for our mom. Next days paper was full of it...
There was a rash of sitings in the New York area in the sixties.. they
had bits of metal and so on from a "landing site" and it was the talk for many weeks.... sadly, I cannot remember the name of the town, nor have I been able to find it online. I do remember reading about it back in the day....
Strieber is excellant. Another of my sons claimed ( when he saw my copy of Communion) that he saw one of "those guys " one night when he went down for some water. He would have been about 7 or so ? This is Craig and I absolutely believe him.
Great post DL and great story!
I think the government over the decades has done a remarkable job in creating a sense of the ridiculous in discussions regarding UFOs and visitors from other worlds. They even managed to sucker me!
Not anymore....
I've been involved in research in this field since the '60s. I think that you, Whitley, Stan, and most others miss the point that maybe they didn't come here. Maybe they've always been here, before we evolved into humans. I know that "the grays" exist, I just haven't seen any convincing evidence that they have an ET origin.
Very interesting perspective Bob. I'd love to hear more. Can you recommend some publications that explore this scenario?
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