Saturday, 21 July 2007

Canadian Defence Minister Announces Funding to Re-Open CFB Cornwallis - Or Does He?

Defence Minister Gordon O'Connor at a news conference at CFB Cornwallis:

I’m thrilled to announce today the re-establishing of CFB Cornwallis Canadian Forces Recruit School (CFRS).

Over the next two decades we estimate that National Defence will invest 200 million dollars in the operation of the Recruit School. Among other things, the number of students, instructors and military personnel will be increased.

I realize that the destiny of this prestigious school has remained an unfulfilled dream for so many of you here today, as it has for our greater Canadian military family.

I want to pay tribute to the determination of the elected municipal officials for their unfailing, unflagging love for and belief in their CFRS.

Like you, we want to restore the CFRS to its former pride and glory, as it deserves. From now on, this will be a place of learning of the highest quality, one that is dedicated to the instruction of our future soldiers from all over Canada who want to study in English.

This reopening is significant for a number of reasons. For one thing, because the Canadian Forces are growing. Recruitment is going very well, especially in The Atlantic Provinces. And for another, because we are serious in our intention to comply with the Official Languages Act as it pertains to English.

The CFB Cornwallis Canadian Forces Recruit School, in addition to contributing to the noble tradition of developing English and French officers, will offer at some point next year a two-year college-level training program.

But above all, this reopening makes it possible to restore military tradition to CFB Cornwallis.

The Canadian Forces Recruit School at Cornwallis is not picking up where it left off in 1994; this is a new beginning that will enable it to develop over the years to come.

The CFRC is a jewel in the crown of our military heritage. It will contribute, as it did once before, to the growth of the Canadian Forces and to the region of Nova Scotia's beautiful Annapolis Valley.

CFB Cornwallis and the CFRB are back!

Thank you.
Gordon O'Connor
Minister of National Defence

The next day:

New Release from Prime Minister Stephen Harper:

Dear Nova Scotia,

Further to Minister O'Connor's announcement yesterday regarding the reopening of CFB Cornwallis.....

PSYCH! You didn't seriously think that we were going to give you wankers in Nova Scotia 300 million smackeroos now did ya? God you people are so freaking gullible.


P.S. If Rockin' Rod reads this - SNAP!

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