Saturday, 5 April 2008

An Increasingly Insular America

Today we'll examine the self-appointed protectors against Canadians taking advantage of the US job market A.K.A the United States border patrol: according to a CBC news item, a U.S. Customs and Border protection spokesperson said "there is an increased demand on border guards to be very thorough with NAFTA applicants" after it was discovered that one Canadian who has been working and living in Utah for over ten years was suddenly denied entry into the United States by US border guards.

Kevin Gibbons who is a highly educated and equally qualified telecommunications specialist took his wife home to Canada last year for a visit. As they attempted to cross back into the US, Gibbons was refused re-entry by an over-zealous border guard who took his valid work visa, tossed it aside and referred to the documents as "garbage". Gibbons said, "I was told they were of no use for the classification that I was seeking that I had had for 13 years".

A US border patrol spokesperson explained, "We do have a commitment at the border to protect the American job market....we also have an obligation to make sure that we only allow those people in that should be allowed in". Until this incident, Gibbons had no problem crossing the border for 13 years. Nothing changed on his part so why all of the sudden is he labeled an undesirable?

As of this writing, Gibbons and his wife are still in Canada, basically homeless as they try to straighten out this mess. He was allowed to re-enter the US for a short period of time to sell his home and his belongings.

Wow! Americans are such a generous lot, aren't they...?

Why did this happen? Unfortunately Gibbons' predicament is merely a sign of the times. Since September 11, 2001 the United States has become so paranoid and suspicious of anyone who doesn't blindly pledge allegiance to the stars & stripes, that they are constantly cutting off their collective noses to spite their collective faces. The word "insular" comes to mind as a perfect way of describing the psyche of the American powers-that-be. Is it too much of a stretch to suggest that sometime in the not so distant future, the entire geographical area of the United States will be protected by an invisible force field? Their scientists and techies are probably working on it as I type.

And here we are in Canada, literally stuck with them and suffering the further misfortune of having a prime minister who admires and emulates the current US administration and no doubt secretly pledges allegiance to their flag in the basement of his temporary home on Sussex Drive in the dead of night when the media have all gone home.

Strange days....

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